Aglaonema Silver King
Buy the Aglaonema Silver King plant from our Santhi online plant nursery website. Aglaonema silver plant is a slow-growing subtropical foliage plant with glossy narrow oval leaves with short stems and often variegated foliage. Leaves develop silver green color once the plant seems grown. This Aglaonema silver plant delivers a touch of vibrant silver color to any interior space.
Aglaonema Silver King Plant Features
1. Easy care indoor plant
2. Perfect Plant for Gifting
3. Creates Vibrant color to indoor space
4. No worries to beginners, Anybody can grow this plant.
5. Quality Assurance
Aglaonema Plant Care
Versatility: It is a good versatile plant perfectly suited for indoor spaces such as offices, tabletops, meeting rooms, kitchens, reading rooms & and other rooms.
Light: The silver plant aglaonema is a light adaptable, that requires only very low light of 2-3 hours.
Soil: Grows well in loose, well-aerated soil or coco peat soil-less potting mix.
Watering: You should water the soil once a week or when the top 2 to 3 inches are dry.
Feed: Dilute houseplant fertilizer to half strength every two months and feed your aglaonema.
Pruning: Occasional pruning done when the leaves turn yellow.And the aglaonema plant care is easy
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We guarantee that your plants online will be delivered to you in a state of utmost joy and vitality. We have 17+ categories of plant varieties online & the delivery will be done all over India. You can receive your plants at the doorstep.
Additionally, we convey that we are the best online plants in india. Our plants & products are safe for the environment and do not cause any harm. For more kindly visit our website & decorate your indoor environment beautifully.
Pushpa C –
I received plants in a good condition. Rana –
Nice and beautiful indoor plant.
Prabakaran R –
Perfect indoor plant for ur table top…..
Prabakaran R –
Perfect indoor plant for ur table top….. received my plants with good condition
Priyanga –
Good Collection of Aglaonema.Thanks to Santhi online plants