Vad Plant - Santhi Online Plants Nursery
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Vad Plant

Original price was: ₹80.00.Current price is: ₹50.00.

Ficus benghalensis is a fast-growing tree native to the Indian sub-continent. It is found mainly in monsoon and rainforests, which are located in tropical and subtropical climates. The tree can reach a height of 20 meters. But it rarely exceeds 10 meters when planted outside of the tropics.


Name: Vad (Banyan tree)

Scientific name: Ficus benghalensis

Origin: Originated from India

Height: Banyan trees can grow up to 20 meters

Family: Moraceae

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Vad plant

Buy Vad plant online from Santhi online plants nursery website.


Ficus benghalensis is a fast-growing tree native to the Indian sub-continent. It is found mainly in monsoon and rainforests, located in tropical and subtropical climates. Vad plant can reach a height of 20 meters, but it rarely exceeds 10 meters when planted outside the tropics. You can buy live plants online from our website. Banyan is mainly found in areas subjected to high seasonal rainfall, and it has a life expectancy of approximately 80-100 years. And it is also the national tree of India. We offer online plants from our state-of-the-art nursery. The tree has many common names, such as 

  • Banyan
  • Indian Fig
  • Wodji Tree and 
  • Palmyra.

Some scientists believe Banyan may have originated in Madagascar. It spread through the Indian sub-continent, where people cut it down for timber and housing construction during the ancient era. You can buy trees online from our website. The banyan tree also grew on the Arabian Peninsula and in southern Europe, referred to as ilex. The banyan tree is related to the fig tree, which is a member of the mulberry family. The fig tree produces tiny edible fruits called figs, but not all banyan trees produce fruit. It is valued for its shade and for being used in Hindu worship. Order any garden plants online, and we offer direct delivery to your location.


Benefits of Vad Plant


The Banyan tree is a member of the fig family and causes little to no harm as it will not kill or stun animals. It is one of the most recognizable trees in the world. The banyan tree has a vast range of benefits.

  • Firstly, it covers a large area, so it provides shade and can offer shelter.
  • Secondly, it protects the rainforest and helps in restoring the wildlife.
  • Studies have found that this tree can act as a deterrent to some dangers, including fire, floods, and cyclones.
  • In addition, people believe it offers protection from scorpions, snakes, and mambas.
  • Above all, it is highly regarded in Hinduism, and people worship it as a sacred tree.
  • Besides, it also has many medicinal benefits. In Ayurveda, people have used it to treat several ailments for centuries.





This plant requires very little maintenance. Firstly, it needs sunlight for more than 6 hours a day. Secondly, water it if the soil seems dry. Prune it regularly and add fertilizer once in 6 months. We also offer an Organic Potting mix. And it boosts the plant’s growth and makes it more resilient in fighting pests and diseases. Kindly visit our online tree nursery to learn more.


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