Sevanthi Aishwarya yellow-Chrysanthemum - Santhi Online Plants Nursery
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Sevanthi Aishwarya yellow-Chrysanthemum

Original price was: ₹80.00.Current price is: ₹47.00.

Sevanthi aishwarya yellow variety is the perennial herbaceous plant with good-smelling yellow flowers. This plant is categorized under flower plants, loose flower and ornamental plants.

  • COMMON NAME: Sevanthi aishwarya Yellow-Chrysanthemum
  • SCIENTIFIC NAME: Chrysanthemum spp.
  • FAMILY: Asteraceae
  • SOIL: Grows well in well drained sandy loam soil with good drainage and aeration.
  • FLOWER COLOUR: Yellow 

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  Sevanthi Aishwarya yellow-Chrysanthemum

Buy Sevanthi Aishwariya Yellow from Santhi online plant nursery website. This  Sevanthi Aishwariya Yellow is a popular and perennial herbaceous plant with attractive flowers. Leaves are alternate, lobed -serrated dark green coloured with many leaflets. Flowers consist of several arrays of florets. Each flower measures about 20 cm in diameter with quilled petals. You can purchase these plants from our online plant shopping and decorate your garden area with beautiful flower plants.

FERTILIZER: Apply any biofertilizer like Neem oil monthly once in required proportion. Not to over fertilize the plants.

PROPAGATION: Done through stem cuttings.

REPOTTING: Sevanthi aishwariya yellow plants can be repotted when the plants are matured in size. Don’t repot during the flowering season. Transfer the plant to a 2 inches’ big size pot compared to the last grown pot. You can purchase these from our online garden store and grow good healthy plants around you.  

PRUNING: Pruning should be done when plants are stunned in growth or matured in size. Cut back the stems of about 8 inches. Don’t prune the upper portion of the plant especially during the growing season. We have a wide range of plants online and you can buy the best plants from our online plant nursery website and grow different varieties of plants around you.


     This is one of the air purifying plants that removes benzene, formaldehyde, ammonia and other chemicals from air.


  • Chrysanthemum is used as insect repellent which controls mosquitoes in your surrounding environment.
  • Chrysanthemum herb treats eye, ear, nose, throat infections, diabetes, neurological disorders.
  • This plant contains anti- inflammatory & anti- bacterial properties.

Sevanthi Aishwariya yellow flower plants are in high demand nowadays, we offer these plants at affordable cost and you can buy best online plants from us.

Sevanthi Aishwariya Yellow Plant Care

  • Sevanthi plants can grow in container size of 10-12 inches. Add the required amount of garden soil and potting mix as top dressing. 
  • This plant requires watering weekly once, don’t over water the plants as it may lead to root rot diseases.
  • This plant requires direct sunlight; it requires 6 to 8 hours of sunlight.
  • To increase flower colouration apply vermicompost near around the plants to protect from root rot and get the good amount of flower yield.

Other Related Plants Available: Sevanthi paper yellow, Sevanthi paper white, Sevanthi nattu, Sevanthi poorima, Sevanthi dark violet, Sevanthi violet chocolate.


We grow our plants using natural and organic methods and we provide good healthy plants and best quality products, which are eco-friendly in nature, hence we recommend you to buy online plants from us and get the bright coloured flowers in your terrace.

Above this, we faithfully say that we are the best online plant nursery. To buy any plants and products you can visit our website and choose your favourite one.


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