Portulaca 9'O Clock Lime Yellow - Santhi Online Plants Nursery
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Portulaca 9’O Clock Lime Yellow

(2 customer reviews)

Original price was: ₹100.00.Current price is: ₹39.00.

Buy Portulaca 9’o clock lime yellow flower plants. This plant has stunning yellow flowers. Different colors of portulaca flower plants are available with us. You can select your favorite one from us.


Plant Features: Hanging Plants, Vertical Garden plants, Green wall, and low maintenance plants.



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Portulaca 9’O Clock Lime Yellow


Buy the Portulaca 9’o clock lime yellow flower plant from our Santhi online plant nursery website. This Portulaca plant is an evergreen groundcovers that grows through trailing veins. It stores water in fleshy leaves & stems. Multi-branched groundcover rose stems are grown in ascending positions. Lime yellow flowers bloom in multi-petals that open in the morning time around 9 o’clock & close in the evening. The lime yellow colour flowers make the center of attraction for your garden. You can buy a variety of portulaca 9’0 clock & 10’0clock from our online plant shopping website.



Portulaca groundcover roses are easy-growing plants in any average condition.

The lime Yellow flowers attract many butterflies & bees

The portulaca plants are perennial year-around flowering groundcover plants

Best for hanging plants, green walls, vertical gardens, groundcover roses & rock garden plants



Use any well-drained soil or organic pot mix. Thrives best in a wide range of soil

Preferably use sandy loam or clay loam soil.

Water the evergreen groundcovers once a week. As this plant is drought tolerant & succulent

This plant requires direct sunlight for 6 hours, it also thrives without sunlight but flower blooming will be reduced.

Application of any organic fertilizer or manure once a month around groundcover roses results best.

Young ones are easily grown by pinching back the stem.

Prune the flower when the plants become lanky or overgrown cut back the plants in mid-late summer.                                                                                                                                                   

About Us


We have 205+ plants online. Our plant production is through natural and organic methods and we supply healthy live plants and the best quality products, which are eco-friendly and sustainable and do not cause any harm to the environment hence we recommend you buy online plants from us.

  Therefore, we hope to tell you that we are the best online plant nursery. To buy any plants and products you can visit our website www.santhionlineplants.com and get your home garden decorated with groundcover roses.














2 reviews for Portulaca 9’O Clock Lime Yellow

  1. Pushpa C

    All plants are good at affordable cost

  2. pavithrarun1327

    Received healthy plants

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