Polyscias guilfoylei (Geranium Aralia) plant - Santhi Online Plants Nursery
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Polyscias guilfoylei (Geranium Aralia) plant

Original price was: ₹89.00.Current price is: ₹60.00.

The Geranium Aralia plant is an attractive houseplant with bushy green foliage. This plant is categorized under ornamental, crotons & air-purifier plants. 

  • COMMON NAME: Geranium Aralia plant
  • SCIENTIFIC NAME: Polyscias guilfoylei(variegated)
  • FAMILY: Araliaceae
  • SOIL: All types of well-drained soil
  • ORIGIN: India
  • PLANT HEIGHT: 5 to 8 inches

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 Polyscias guilfoylei (Geranium Aralia) plant

Buy the Polyscias guilfoylei (Geranium Aralia) plant from Santhi online plant  nursery website. This Aralia is a perennial dwarf evergreen tree belonging to dicots. Leaves are long, ovate & 1- pinnate, leaflets are arranged opposite. Leaf margins are  variegate in white or pale yellow and green all around the leaf surface. The seasonal flower blomming can be seen. And this plant grows up to the maximum height of 6-8 feet tall. You can purchase this plant from our online garden store and make it green everywhere.

FERTILIZER: Nitrogen is essential for good glossy leaves. Apply 3 months old organic compost to enhance soil fertility. 

PROPAGATION: By stem cuttings.

REPOTTING: Transfer the plants to a new pot when root balls are seen outside. While repotting add potting mix with soil which help the plants to grow faster. Repot the plant yearly once.

PRUNING: These are slow growers, trim regularly to get the desired shape for plants. We have different varieties of plants online. You can purchase good quality plants from our online plant shopping and check our website for more.    


  • One of the low-maintenance plants to decorate your indoors and outdoors as ornamental.
  • It is an air –purifier to eliminate airborne toxins.

These Geranium Aralia plants are the most popular nowadays, we offer these plants at affordable cost and you can buy best online plants from us.


  • Choose a pot size of 4-6 inches, Add potting mix or compost along with soil as a top dressing.
  • Water the plants twice a week
  • Geranium aralia plants need partial sunlight for 4-6 hours.
  • Use oraganic fertilizer for good leaf foliage.


  • Ingestion of leaves is toxic to pet animals & children.



                  We have about 95+ plants online and we grow our plants using natural and organic methods we offer high-quality plants and best-quality products, hence we recommend you buy plants online from us and make the garden beautiful.

          Together with this, we surely say that we are the best online plant nursery. To buy any plants and products you can visit our website www.santhionlineplants.com and choose your favorite one.



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