Pink Trumpet Vine
Buy Pink trumpet vine plants from our Santhi online plant nursery website. This plant is a woody, perennial plant with attractive pink flowers. The flowers are 5 lobed with a strong fragrance and those appear as a cluster of pink flowers. Leaves are dark green with toothed margins. Mature plants grow up to the height of 5m. Fruits are capsules with numerous winged seeds. You can buy this creeper plant from our online plant shopping and grow beautiful pink flower plants around you.
FERTILIZER: Apply all-purpose organic fertilizer once a month. Preferably vermicompost or 6 months old compost.
PROPAGATION: Done through vine cuttings
REPOTTING: Repotting is not required unless you see congested roots on pot drainage holes.
PRUNING: Remove dead, diseased plants during early spring.
Benefits – Pink Trumpet Vine
This plant has greater landscaping value.
Low maintenance & easy care creeper plants
Pink trumpet vine plants are drought-tolerant with woody branches.
Plant Care – Pink Trumpet Vine
Pink trumpet vine plants require 4-6 inches of the pot to grow.
Use well-drained sandy loam or clay soil.
Water the plants for 4-5 days once in regular intervals
The sunlight requirement for this plant is direct bright sunlight of about 2-4 hours & this plant can also tolerate shade.
In the growing season feed the plant with any organic fertilizer.
We have 200+ plants online. Our plant production is through natural and organic methods and we provide good healthy plants and the best quality products, which are nature friendly and sustainable and do not cause any harm to the environment hence we recommend you buy online plants from us and grow beautiful pink flowers all around.
All the above, we assure you that we are the best online plant nursery. To buy any plants and products you can visit our website and choose your favorite one.
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