Philodendron broken heart plant - Santhi Online Plants Nursery
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Philodendron broken heart plant

(1 customer review)

Original price was: ₹150.00.Current price is: ₹120.00.

Philodendron broken heart is the famous houseplant with good attractive leaves. This plant is categorized under indoor, air purifier, hanging plants.

  • COMMON NAME: Philodendron Broken Heart
  • SCIENTIFIC NAME: Monstera adansonii
  • FAMILY: Araceae
  • SOIL: Prefers to grow in moist, well-drained soil.
  • PLANT TYPE: Climber
  • ORIGIN: Tropical America.

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Philodendron broken heart


Buy Philodendron broken heart plant from Santhi online plant nursery website. These plant varieties are epiphytes, grown as air plants. Philodendrons once starts to grow, it produces aerial roots which grow towards the floor. This plant grows up to the height of 3 feet tall and which are fast-growing plants grows nearly up to the height of 4 inches in a week. Leaves are green, good fashioned addition to this it makes a greater look to your indoor environment with good oxygen generating on leaves surface. It grows as trailing veins. You can purchase these indoor plants from our online garden store and get your atmosphere purified with the air purifiers.


FERTILIZER: Organic fertilizer applications can be given like vermicompost in the ratio of one or two teaspoons application around the plants. In the interval of once in a month to enhance the soil nutrients to get absorbed by plants. You can purchase good organic fertilizers from our online plant nursery website to grow disease and pest-free plants.  


PROPAGATION: Done through stem cuttings


REPOTTING: In Philodendron broken heart plant repotting is done once in a year. Repot the plant to 2-3 inches’ large size pot compared to the last grown pot. While repotting add some quantity of potting mix to the plant which are growing container to get good healthy plants around you. You can buy from our online plant store and get well-rooted plants at your garden.

Pruning in Philodendron plants is done to get the proper structure to the plants. Trim the diseased, dead and old leaves to get new branches and good growth  in plants. We have a wide range of plants online in different categories you can purchase these different plants from our online plant nursery website and arrange your garden area with good attractive plants.



  • Philodendron plant varieties are air-purifier plants to eliminate VOCs and carbon dioxide from the indoor atmosphere.
  • It can be kept indoors, office desks, table tops, AC rooms and many other arrangements.
  • These plants have low maintenance & care plants.
  • Philodendron plants are also be grown in hanging baskets
  • Philodendron broken heart plants are used for ornamental & decorative purposes.

 Although, philodendron plants are air purifying plants are most popular & in high demand nowadays, we offer these plants at an affordable cost and you can buy the best online plants from us.


  • Philodendron plants are grown in pot or any container size of about 6 inches an also fill the pot with a sufficient amount of soil and potting mix in the ratio of 80:20.
  • These plants requires watering once in a week as this plant does not require much watering. Water the plants when top soil is dry to touch.
  • Sunlight requirement for this plant is partial. Place the plants in a semi-shade area.
  • And apply organic fertilizer like cow manure or compost once in a month in small quantities to encourage the rapid growth of plants.


Other Related Plants Available: Philodendron Birkin green, Philodendron calkins gold, Philodendron Birkin pink, Philodendron golds.



  • Leaves are said to be toxic if ingested.
  • Make sure of growing the plants around children & pets.



Our plant production is natural and through organic methods and we provide you healthy plants and eco-friendly products, hence we recommend you to buy plants online from us and decorate your garden with these air purifiers.

Furthermore, we confidently say that we are the best online plant nursery. To buy any plants and products you can visit our website and choose your favourite one.

1 review for Philodendron broken heart plant

  1. vikraman

    Got green plants & its thriving well

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