Nerium White Layered plant - Santhi Online Plants Nursery
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Nerium White Layered plant

(4 customer reviews)

Original price was: ₹80.00.Current price is: ₹45.00.

Nerium White layered is the perfect plant with good flower yield. This plant is categorized under flower plant, loose flower, ornamental plant & pollution controller.

  • COMMON NAME: Nerium white layered
  • SCIENTIFIC NAMENerium oleander
  • FAMILY: Apocynaceae
  • SOIL: Prefers to grow in welldrained soil with a good potting mix.
  • PLANT HEIGHT: 5 to 8 inches.

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Nerium White Layered plant

Buy Nerium white layered plant from Santhi online plant nursery website. This plants are evergreen perennial with sharp leaves and bright white flowers. Nerium plants are versatile with stand all climatic conditions. Leaves are dark green, narrow long with thick yellow midribs. White flowers 5-lobed occurs in clusters at the end of each branch.  You can purchase this green plants from online plant shopping and grow beautiful around you.

FERTILIZER: Application of cow manure or goat manure in negligible amount.

PROPAGATION: Done through terminal cuttings and seeds.

REPOTTING: Transfer the plants to new big size pot or container. Repot the plants once in a year.

PRUNING: Trim the matured leaves and pinch the secondary branches to get bunchy flower yield.


 Recently, NASA declared that the Nerium plants helps to reduce pollutants from soil and air.


  • Nerium oleander plant is used in treatment of asthma, cardiac illness, cancer, painful menstrual cycles, leprosy, malaria, indigestion, ringworms and herpes & abscesses.
  • Leaves and bark are used for natural mulching & composting purposes.
  • Nerium plant varieties have anti- inflammatory & anti- cancer properties.
  • Plant has ornamental, landscaping, and hedging values.

Nerium white layered flower plants are in high requirement nowadays, we offer these plants at affordable cost and you can buy best online plants from us.


  • Nerium White layered plants can grow in pot size of 6-10 inches.
  • Fill the pot with the required amount of garden soil with potting mix. In the ratio of 80:20
  • This plant requires watering weekly once, don’t over water the plants as it may lead to root rot diseases.
  • Sunlight requirement for this plant is about 6-12 of direct sunglight.
  • Application of groundnut cake powder can induce higher the flower yield

Other Related Plants Available: Nerium oleander dark pink, Nerium oleander pink, Nerium oleander white.


  • Nerium plants are toxic to human beings & pet animals if they are ingested.


Our plants are producusing natural and organic methods and we offer high quality plants and products, hence we recommend you to buy online plants from us.

Addition to this, we trust you that we are the best online plant nursery. To buy any plants and products you can visit our website and choose your favourite one.


4 reviews for Nerium White Layered plant

  1. Priyanga

    Good collection of nerium plants.

  2. joyfullachu

    Beautiful flower

  3. Jisha .


  4. Anil Kumar

    Good plant..

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