Marble Money Plant
Buy the Marble money plant from Santhi online plant nursery website. This Epipremnum aureum plants are evergreen perennial with good climber vines. Leaves of this vastu plants are marble green variegation, with large heart-shaped leaves. This marble money plant grows fast through aerial roots like normal money plant varieties.
FERTILIZER: Application of organic fertilizer manure monthly once around the plants.
PROPAGATION: Done from stem cuttings or leaves through water or soil.
REPOTTING: Transfer the plants to a new pot or container of suitable size with proper drainage holes.
PRUNING: Remove the diseased, yellow-colored leaves & prune the growing tips to encourage new plant growth.
- This plant is the best known ornamental & vastu plants.
- This Epipremnum aureum plant purifies indoor pollutants & toxins.
- Money plant reduces stress & helps to bring mental peace.
- This vastu plant is also considered an anti-radiator plant where the plant removes the radiation produced by electronic devices.
Marble money plants are the most popular nowadays and in high demand nowadays, we offer these plants at affordable cost and you can buy the best online plants from us.
- Marble money plant vastu require pots of 4-6’’or suitable container
- Water the Epipremnum aureum plants only the plants at regular intervals and not to make the soil wet.
- Sunlight: Moderate light or 2 hours of direct sunlight with full shade.
- Application of any organic or homemade fertilizer such as curd dilution monthly twice may help to boost plant growth.
- Wipe the dust regularly over the money plant vastu leaves & stems
Other Related Plants Available: Marble Queen money plant
We have 155+ plants online. Our plant production is through natural and organic methods and we offer good healthy plants and the best quality organic products that are safe for eco-friendly, hence we recommend you buy online plants from us and purify your environment with air purifiers.
Thereby, we whole-heartily say to you that we are the best online plant nursery. To buy any plants and products you can visit our website and choose your favorite one.
Swethapalani –
i like this plants
vikraman –
Extraordinary service. Received some extra plants too
Lakshmi –