Lipstick plant
Buy the Lipstick plant -Aeschynanthus radicans from our Santhi online plant nursery website.It is the evergreen perennial striking houseplant. The flowers are tubular and red, resembling lipstick tubes so the plant gets named lipstick plant. This plant has an epiphytic habit and grows over plant tree branches, rock crevices, and hanging baskets. It has red tubular flowers and waxy, green leaves often outlined in red, making it a popular houseplant. Showy red flowers completely found all around the plants.Get variety of hanging basket plants from our online plant shopping.
Benefits – Lipstick plant
It’s one of the fast-growing ornamental epiphytic houseplants.
This lipstick plant is the perfect decorative hanging species for the front area of houses.
Watering moderately and providing indirect sunlight are the only maintenance requirements, making it an excellent choice for beginners and busy plant enthusiasts.
Plant Care – Lipstick plant
Sunlight: Only indirect sunlight is required for this plant.
Watering: Moderate watering weekly 2 or 3 times on alternate days,Water the plant consistently in the growing season, but avoid overwatering.
Soil: Good well-aerated soil will be best for plant growth.
Flower Bloom Time: Summer & Spring.
Feed: Feed the plants with diluted liquid fertilizer monthly once.
To Order Plants Online
We have wide range of plant collection & well sell our plants over PAN India at reasonable cost. Our plant production is organic & weight less. We use coco peat pot mix & biodegradable nano covers as growth medium.
For more kindly check our website & purchase wide range of plant parents from us.
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