Kali Plant - Santhi Online Plants Nursery
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Kali Plant

(8 customer reviews)

Original price was: ₹80.00.Current price is: ₹39.00.

Kali plant is a perennial, evergreen herb with large, spiny numerous thin ascending stems. This plant is categorized under herbal plant, flowering plant & succulent plants.

  • COMMON NAME: Kali or Russian Thistle plant
  • SCIENTIFIC NAME: Salsola kali
  • FAMILY: Amaranthaceae
  • SOIL: This plant prefers to grow in loose sandy soil
  • PLANT TYPE: Summer annual herb
  • ORIGIN: Southeastern Russia

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Kali Plant

Buy Kali Plant from Santhi online plants nursery website.

It is an annual plant that thrives in salty, sandy coastal soils and is popularly known as prickly saltwort or prickly glasswort. Its distributional range includes the Baltic Sea, North Sea, and Atlantic Ocean coasts of Europe. It’s a lovely bushy shrub that can reach a height of 1-2 meters. In mild and humid climatic conditions, the plant can flower all year.

The plant works well as a shrub, a hedge, or a single specimen on the lawn. Kali appears to be adaptable to a wide variety of environments. It can find it along roadsides, disturbed places, scrub vegetation, former sugarcane fields, heath, shrubland, and coastal areas where it has become naturalized. It grows on fallows, agricultural land, and rangeland in New Zealand, mainly abandoned fields and overgrazed pastures, shingle and sand behind beaches, and dry gravelly places.

It’s common along highways and railways and other dry, stony, and sandy locations. However, It thrives in any well-drained, uncompacted soil with enough sunlight. The stem is erect, rarely ascending, and branching profusely from or near the base.


  • Firstly, it Treats Influenza, Aids Weight Loss, Treats Smallpox, Boosts Energy, Boosts Immune System, Improves Bone Density and Structure, and Treats Wasp Stings.
  • Fresh plant juice is a good diuretic. 
  • However, Twisted seed vessels with the same virtue, delivered as an infusion


  • Kali plant is available in online plant shopping,
  • It is chemically similar to many cultivated forages and is amenable to cultural manipulation of its nutritional attributes.
  • In addition, This plant thrives in well-drained, loamy soils with plenty of organic matter and humus.


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 With this, we also say that we are the best online plant nursery. To buy any plants and products you can visit our website www.santhionlineplants.com and choose your favorite one.

8 reviews for Kali Plant

  1. Pushpa C

    Good platform to buy healthy plants

  2. Jisha

    Very good

  3. Jisha

    Am very happy received good

  4. joyfullachu

    Beautiful plants

  5. Sruthi Narayanan

    Awesome plants

  6. Nithya devi

    Such a beautiful plant – great addition to my collection. Thank you

  7. Shanmugam Ramasamy (verified owner)

    Online இல் வாங்கி இரண்டு நாள்கள் தான் ஆகிறது. நல்ல Healthy Plant ஆக உள்ளது. வளர்ச்சி நன்றாக உள்ளது. நன்றி

  8. Saranya Karunagaran

    I am very happy to buy all the healthy plants

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