Iresine 'Chicken Gizzard' Plant Green - Santhi Online Plants Nursery
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Iresine ‘Chicken Gizzard’ Plant Green

(1 customer review)

Original price was: ₹89.00.Current price is: ₹39.00.

Irisine ‘chicken gizzard’ plants are excellent ornamental perennials with good foliage of leaves. This plant is categorized under crotons, flower plants & foliage plants.

  •  COMMON NAME: Chicken gizzard plant 
  • SCIENTIFIC NAME: Iresine herbstii
  • FAMILY: Amaranthaceae
  • SOIL: Deep sandy loam soil with good drainage.
  • ORIGIN: South America
  • PLANT HEIGHT: 5 to 8 inches

13 in stock

SKU: C101 Category:


  Iresine ‘Chicken Gizzard’ Plant Green

Buy Iresine ‘chicken gizzard’ plant green from Santhi online plant nursery website. This is an evergreen shrub with a good amount of foliage. The pink stem bears lance-shaped green foliage of leaves with red veins. Greenish-white small flowers are found on the stems but it’s rare. This plant grows up to a height of 1-3 feet tall. You can purchase this plant from our online garden store and grow beautiful plants indoors & outdoors.

FERTILIZER: Application of bio-fertilizer steamed bone powder once in three months.  

PROPAGATION: Done through seeds or softwood stem cuttings.

REPOTTING: Transfer the plants to new size pot or container once it seems too bunchy.

PRUNING: Trim the old & diseased leaves, and cut back the plants from the base to get good bunchy growth.      


  • It is one the good plant for ornamental decorations such as hedge making, theme gardening, and others.
  • Chicken gizzard plants can grow in hanging pots, mud pots, and other border-making preparation also.
  • These plants are non-toxic to human & pet animals.

Chicken ‘gizzard’ plants are the most popular nowadays, we offer these plants at affordable cost and you can buy best online plants from us.


  • Chicken gizzard plants require 4-6 inches of the pot to grow.
  • Use well-drained sandy loam soil
  • This plant requires watering 2- 3 times a week. 
  • The plant requires indirect sunlight with shade but once the plant starts to grow it can tolerate the bright sunlight.
  • The application of organic fertilizer helps to get bunchy plant growth.


     We have 195+ plants online. Our plant production is through natural and organic methods and we provide good healthy plants and the best quality products, which are nature friendly and sustainable and do not cause any harm to the environment.

Certainly, we assure you that we are the best online plant nursery. To buy any plants and products you can visit our website and choose your favorite one.


1 review for Iresine ‘Chicken Gizzard’ Plant Green

  1. Pushpa C

    Plant is growing nicely since potted

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