Homalomena rubescens Green - Santhi Online Plants Nursery
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Homalomena rubescens Green

Original price was: ₹100.00.Current price is: ₹69.00.

Get the rare & beautiful plant species Homalomena rubescens green.It’s a popular plant in the Homalomena family, which gets its name from a Malayan mistranslation of the words homalos meaning “flat” and mene meaning “moon”. Buy rare species of plants from our online plant shopping.

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Homalomena rubescens Green


Buy the Homalomena rubescens green plant from our Santhi online plant nursery website. The Homalomena plant is a stunning addition to your garden. It is the king of heart plants where the leaf that looks like a heart with a glossy appearance. It is the unique plant of heart leaf. You can also check Homalomena other varieties from us.


Benefits – Homalomena rubescens green


This heart leaf plant improves indoor humidity & removes toxins & pollutants.

The Homalomena plant brightens your decor area with a leaf that look like a heart.

It is easy to care for plants.

And its rare & unique plant.


Plant Care


Light: Bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight.

Water: Keep the soil moist but not soggy. Allow the top inch to dry out slightly between waterings.

Humidity: Prefers moderate to high humidity. Mist regularly.

Temperature: Grows well in temperatures between 65-85°F (18-29°C).

Fertilizer : Appplication of any organic fertilizer monthly once around the plants.


About Us


We Santhi Online Plants have a variety of plants online at reasonable cost. And also you get rare species from us. Hence we recommend to buy plants & products from us.We deliver live plants over PAN India at affordable cost.


For others kindly visit our website www.santhionlineplants.com & grow beautiful ones around you.






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