Green mammy croton - Santhi Online Plants Nursery
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Green mammy croton

(3 customer reviews)

Original price was: ₹79.00.Current price is: ₹32.00.

The Green mammy croton is an evergreen houseplant with narrow leaves. This plant is categorized under crotons, ornamental plants, and indoor & outdoor plants.

  • COMMON NAME: Green mammy croton
  • SCIENTIFIC NAME: Codiaeum variegatum green 
  • FAMILY: Euphorbiaceae
  • SOIL: Prefers to grow in a wide range of soil with acidic pH
  • ORIGIN: Southeast Asia 
  • PLANT HEIGHT: 5 to 8 inches. 


2 in stock

SKU: C127 Category:




Buy Green Mammy crotons plants from Santhi online plant nursery website. This is the most striking outdoor plant croton variety. It consists evergreen shrub with longer finger-sized leaves. And leaves have ruffled twisted edges. Male flowers are small and white with 5 petals. Female flowers are yellow with no petals. Fruits are three seeded capsules. You can buy this attractive indoor croton from our online garden store and grow green plants around you.


FERTILIZER: Apply any slow-release organic fertilizer like Steamed bone meal powder one or two tablespoons around the plants in dry soil once in two months. Do not apply any fertilizer in winter, as the plants are dormant in this season.


PROPAGATION: Done through stem cuttings in soil or water.


REPOTTING : This plant is a slow-growing perennial; Repot this green mammy croton once in 2 to 3 years once, and transfer the plants to a 1-inch big pot compared to previously grown. Add potting mix for these plants afer repotting. You can purchase good organic pot mix from our online plant shopping and grow well-rooted plants around you.         


PRUNING: By using sharp scissors, cut the plants where the petiole meets the main stem. Trim the old and matured leaves to maintain good structure in plants. We have a vast range of plants online you can buy good healthy plants from our online plant nursery website and grow a wide range of plants around you.               




  • This green mammy croton is used for landscaping purposes such as mixed border, screening, hedging & windbreakers.
  • It is low maintenance outdoor plant and an easy-care plant.


Green mammy croton plants are the most popular & in high-demand outdoor plant crotons nowadays, we provide these plants at affordable cost and you can buy best online plants from us.




  • Grow green mammy crotons in a pot size of 3-4 inches pot, Check for the proper drainage holes in the pot. 
  • Water the plants, top soil is dry to touch & make the soil moist regular not to make the soggy.
  • Plants require indirect sunlight of about 10,000 to 20,000 lux.
  • Application of cow manure or goat manure encourages fast growth in plants.


Other Related Plants Available:  Mammy croton.



      We have 50+ plant varieties online. We produce our plants through natural and organic methods and we offer healthy plants and environment-friendly products, hence we recommend you buy plants online from us and get good quality plants at your doorstep.


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3 reviews for Green mammy croton

  1. Pushpa C

    Plant is growing nicely since potted

  2. joyfullachu


  3. Jisha .


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