Goat Manure (Organic Fertilizer) (10 Kg) - Santhi Online Plants Nursery
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Goat Manure (Organic Fertilizer) (10 Kg)

Original price was: ₹1,200.00.Current price is: ₹799.00.


Buy organic manures at an affordable cost from our online plant nursery website. We santhi online plants produce all organic manures from our  farming unit.


Product Details


Manure Type: Composted – Pellets

Quantity: 10 Kg

Shelf Life: 1 year 

Usage: Agriculture, Horticulture & Gardening 


34 in stock


Goat Manure (Organic Fertilizer) (10 Kg)


Buy the Goat manure (organic fertilizer) 10 kg from our Santhi online plants nursery website. Our Goat manure  produced from goat dung composting of waste. This contains essential micronutrients & some of the primary nutrients  essential for plant growth. Get good quality organic fertilizer from our online plant shopping & make your plants healthy by application of fym prepared from our farm & at home.

How We Process

Our product is produced from fresh goat dung those are processed & composted which is must for all category of home garden plants.


A goat dung manure fertilizer used to apply at home for plants such as herbs, vegetables, and other crops. Among its many benefits, it aids in water storage in the soil.

The use of this product is a wonderful soil conditioner for both new and old gardens made of composting of waste . This fym manure improves the soil, use water more efficiently & supply more oxygen to the root zone.

Additionally, it improves the yield faster & helps the plants to grow healthy.

Our Composted Goat manure Contains NPK (%) – 2.23: 1.24: 3.69 

Note: Apply only composted manure. Do not use any raw or fresh goat dung.

Uses: Organic fertilizer, Muching material, Bedding material & nutrient enhancer.

Application : 

For All Types of Plants – Gently apply a handful of goat dung manure around all of your garden plants. After 1 hour of application water the plants. Reapply manure one week after during the growing seasons.

We have 22+ organic fertilizer online for all types of garden plants. We sell plants online at a very reasonable cost & all our plant varieties are well-rooted & healthy. 

And Santhi online plants is the best online plant nursery in India to offer plants online to make home greenery. And also you check our website www.santhionlineplants.com & to surround your environment with greenery.




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