Fruit Trees Combo - Santhi Online Plants Nursery
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Fruit Trees Combo

Original price was: ₹534.00.Current price is: ₹374.00.

Planting your fruit plants trees can not only save you money but also provide a healthy alternative. As a result, routines are incorporated into daily life, and a healthy balance of lifestyle is provided. Get the fruit tree at a reasonable cost. This combo offer is limited & it ends soon.


The list of fruit trees includes


Taiwan Pink Guava

Allahabad Safeda Guava

Madras Thorn – Kodukkapulli

Barbados Cherry

Amla fruit – Periyanelli

Star Gooseberry

Naval Jamun fruit

Note: All the above plants are nano-cover plants.


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Fruit Trees Combo


Buy the fruit trees combo plants from our Santhi online plants nursery website. These fruit trees are evergreen perennial houseplants & high-yielding varieties. Generally, these plants contain nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, vitamin C, folic acid & many others. You can buy various fruit plants & grafted fruit plants from our online garden store.




Taiwan Pink Guava: Pink Fleshed Fruit with Vitamin C, Vitamin A & Dietary Fibre.


Allahabad Safeda: Allahabad Safeda guava has a thin, white rind and white flesh with a pleasantly sweet taste. Control blood sugar levels.


Madras Thorn: Manila tamarind. It helps to boost immunity. Madras thorn is rich in antioxidants, fights against anemia & beneficial for diabetics.


Barbados Cherry: It is a small fruit with a heavy-bearing habit & contains vitamin C but is also rich in anthocyanins (cyanidin-3-rhamnoside and pelargonidin-3-rhamnoside) and carotenoids.


Amla Fruit: Amla berries are rich in vitamin A, which is key to improving eye health & boosting immunity.


Star Gooseberry: Fruits are greenish-yellow berries with smooth skin and a central hard stone, and are rich in vitamin C and essential minerals.


Naval – Jamun: Jamun is rich in protein, fiber, antioxidants, calcium, iron, phosphorous, potassium, manganese, vitamin C and B6, and several other nutrients. It controls blood sugar levels.


Plant Care


Soil: All these tree plants online thrive best in a wide range of well-aerated soil with organic matter content.


Water: Water these fruit trees thoroughly twice in a week. Water the plants only when the top inches of soil seem dry to touch.


Sunlight: These plants and trees require direct sunlight for about 6-8 hours.


Fertilizer: Application of any organic fertilizer monthly once around the fruit tree plants.


Placement: All the plants in this combo are perfect outdoor plants.


Harvest: When the fruit color changes in all the fruit plants


About Us


We Santhi Online Plants have more than 235+ plants online at affordable cost. You can get the different fruit plants online at your doorstep. Hence we recommend to buy plants & products from us.

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