Dwarf Screwpine plant - Santhi Online Plants Nursery
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Dwarf Screwpine plant

(3 customer reviews)

Original price was: ₹79.00.Current price is: ₹45.00.

The Dwarf screw pine is a perennial plant with sharp foliage. This is categorized under crotons, outdoor plants, and hedge plants

  • COMMON NAME: Dwarf screwpine
  • SCIENTIFIC NAME: Pandanus racemosus
  • FAMILY: Pandanaceae
  • SOIL: Prefers to grow in loamy soil with rich drainage.
  • ORIGIN: Madagascar
  • PLANT HEIGHT: 5 to 8 inches.

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SKU: C65 Category:




Buy Dwarf Screwpine plants from Santhi online plant nursery website. This ornamental plant is an evergreen shrub with sharp falling leaves. Leaves are spineless with dark green margins with light green stripes in the center. This ornamental Dwarf screw pine has a spiraling growth habit with drought and salt tolerance. The male flower is a white bloom on long spikes and the female flowers are like pine-apple fruit. You can buy green plants online from our online plant store and make greenery around you.


FERTILIZER: Application of any organic fertilizer once in two months. Water application should be given after the application of fertilizer.


PROPAGATION: Done through shoots.


REPLANTING: This plant grows bushy in a pot or soil. You can transfer the plant to a new container or new place where these plants can grow sufficiently. To enhance the soil nutrients. We have a good quality plants online that you can purchase from our online garden nursery and grow well-rooted plants around you. 


PRUNING: Prune the old and matured leaves from the base portion. Trim the plant regularly to maintain an attractive structure. We have a vast range of garden plants online you can purchase from us.



  • Dwarf Screwpine is used for ornamental plants & hedging purposes. 
  • It is one of the drought-tolerant & low-maintenance plants.


 Dwarf ScrewPine plants are the most popular nowadays, we offer these plants at affordable cost and you can buy the best online plants from us.



  • These Dwarf Screwpine plants can grow in pot sizes of 4-5 inches. Check the drainage holes, before planting.
  • Watering the plants at regular intervals. Not to make the soil soggy.
  • Direct sunlight is required for Dwarf Screwpine plants. 


Other Related Plants Available: Desert Rose plant, Duck foot plant, Euphorbia



      Our plant production is through natural and organic methods and we offer good healthy plants and the best quality organic products, that are safe for the environment & biodegradable, hence we recommend you buy online plants from us and arrange your garden with beautiful crotons around you.   


   Along with this, we surely say that we are the best online plant nursery. To buy any plants and products you can visit our website www.santhionlineplants.com and choose your favorite one.


3 reviews for Dwarf Screwpine plant

  1. joyfullachu


  2. Lalitha

    Nice plant.

  3. Jisha .


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