Croton Mixed Combo - Santhi Online Plants Nursery
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Croton Mixed Combo

Original price was: ₹742.00.Current price is: ₹519.00.

Get the best croton plants in bulk from our e-commerce website. We offer a wide range of plants online at a reasonable cost. These croton plants are specially selected for outdoor plantations.


Pack of Croton Plants in this Combo ( From each variety 5 plants)



  1. Cordyline inscripta * 2
  2. Codiaeum variegatum (Green Mammy Croton) * 2
  3. Colorful Codiaeum * 2
  4. Pedilanthus Tithymaloides * 2
  5. Euphorbia Green * 2
  6. Aralia Green * 2
  7. Golden dewdrop variegated * 2
  8. Cordyline congesta  * 2


Note:  Plants in this combo will be received as Nano cover plants


4 in stock


Croton Mixed Combo


Buy the Crotons Mixed Combo from our Santhi Online Plant Nursery website. The live plants online croton in this combo are evergreen houseplants that suit best outdoors. The 8 varieties of Croton plants have the best foliage & long-lived plants. Planting these plants at your outdoors gives the best look & has many landscape values. You can buy different types of ornamental plants from our online garden store & make your home good looking.


Features of Croton Mixed Combo


Best Croton plant outdoor

Ornamental foliage Plant

Low maintenance hedge plant

This combo plant has different landscape values


Combo Plant Description


Sanchezia : Screening, interior decorations, landscape arrangements, hedge & outdoor croton.

Codiaeum Variegatum: Best garden croton

Colorful Codiaeum: Landscape shrub & dramatic hedges

Pedilanthus & Euphorbia : Perfect Hedge Plants

Aralia Green: Pinnate leaves, give an attractive bushy look.

Golden Dust (Small Leaves): One of the best & perfect croton plant

Cordyline hybrid ti plant: Air purifier croton plant, hedge & ornamental plant.


How to maintain this combo plants


Soil : This combo plant varieties grow in a wide range of soil with some organic content.

Sunlight: Requires plenty of direct sunlight

Watering: Water these croton plant outdoor weekly twice on alternate days.

Fertilizer: Application of any organic fertilizer monthly once around these croton plants.

Plant Placement: Best at outdoors.


Santhi Online Plants

  1. We use bio-degradable nano covers instead of plastic covers
  2. 100% payment secured
  3. Wide categorization of plants
  4. Online plants at very reasonable cost
  5. Fast delivery
  6. Spreading greenery all around.


For More details kindly check our website & get your favorite live plants online.



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