Coleus Giant Exhibition plant
Buy the Coleus Giant Exhibition plant online from Santhi online plants nursery website.
Coleus Giant Exhibition is a beautiful, colorful, and easy-to-grow plant that’s perfect for any indoor or outdoor space. It’s a great addition to any home or office. These plants have been bred for their showy colors, and there is no need to worry about watering since they love dry soil. You can buy cheap plants online from our website. The plant produces giant, densely-packed foliage that is deep green on top and a candy apple red and white on the bottom. This variety can be propagated easily. and can be grown in both the ground and in a pot. We offer online plants from our state-of-the-art nursery.
The Giant Exhibition will grow to around six feet tall. The seeds are easy to grow and come in a variety of different colors, including blue, pink, purple, light pink & many more. You can order monstera plants online from our website. Plant the Giant Exhibition in a sunny spot, and it will grow to its full height in around 4-6 weeks. It doesn’t require much attention and is hard enough to survive on its own. It’s perfect for people looking for a low-maintenance plant that still looks good! Order any house plants online, and we offer direct delivery to your location.
Benefits of Coleus Giant Exhibition Plant
- Firstly, Coleus Giant Exhibition Plant is a great option for adding a pop of color to their garden or home.
- These plants are easy to care for and can grow up to 12 feet tall with maroon, purple, or white leaves.
- Above all, they are also resistant to temperature changes and may even survive in colder climates.
- These plants produce large, long-lasting flowers that are great for cutting and air freshening.
This plant requires very little maintenance. Firstly, it needs sunlight for more than 6 hours a day. Secondly, water it if the soil seems dry. Prune it regularly and add fertilizer once in 6 months. We also offer an Organic Potting mix. And it boosts the plant’s growth and makes it more resilient in fighting pests and diseases. Kindly visit our best online nursery to learn more.
Colorful coleus