Captain Kid plant - Santhi Online Plants Nursery
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Captain Kid plant

Original price was: ₹80.00.Current price is: ₹49.00.

Captain Kidd plant is a rare perennial houseplant with attractive foliage. This plant is categorized under crotons, air-purifier plants & indoor plants. 

  • COMMON NAME: Captain Kidd
  • SCIENTIFIC NAME: Codiaeum variegatum
  • FAMILY: Euphorbiaceae
  • SOIL: Grows well-drained soil with organic material
  • ORIGIN: Southeast Asia.

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Captain Kid plant

Buy Captain Kid plant from Santhi online plant nursery website. This plant is an evergreen perennial shrub with attractive leaves lush. Leaves are green & multi-colored with yellow spots splashed everywhere in leaves. The plant grows up to a height of 1.5 meters and reaches a height of 10-22 feet. This plant grows during summer. You can purchase this plant from our online plant store and grow attractive plants around you.

FERTILIZER: Apply any organic fertilizers like cow manure or goat manure to enhance plant growth. You can purchase from online plant shopping to grow disease and pest-free plants.

PROPAGATION: Done through stem cuttings & air layering.

REPOTTING: Repotting is done when the plants are doubled in size. Set the plant in a large size container or pot where the plants can grow sufficiently. Add potting mix as a top dressing to the soil. Add pot mix with soil. You can purchase from our online plant nursery website to grow colorful attractive crotons around you.  

Pruning should be done in croton to remove unhealthy and diseased portions. Trim the dead branches and leaves to encourage fast growth in plants. We have different categories of plants online. You can purchase from our online plant shopping to grow healthy plants.


  • It is an ornamental plant
  • Used for border decoration, hedging, houseplant, and many more uses.
  • It is convenient to place office desks, AC rooms, or any other living space.
  • It is an air–purifier plant to eliminate indoor air pollutants or toxicants.
  • It is one of the low-maintenance & cares indoor plants.

These croton plants are the most popular nowadays, we provide these plants at an affordable cost and you can buy the best online plants from us.


  • Mildly toxic to human beings & pet animals if its leaves are consumed.
  • Make sure of growing around children.


  • Place the plant in a pot size of 3-4 inches, and fill the pot with the required amount of well-drained soil and organic potting mix or compost as a top dressing.
  • Water the plants once a week, when the soil is dry to touch
  • To keep direct or partial sunlight.
  • Apply any organic manure or compost once in 3 months to grow healthy plants.
  • Don’t fertilize the plants often in direct sunlight.


We grow our plants by using natural and organic methods and we offer good healthy plants and the best quality products, which are environment-friendly and biodegradable in nature. Hence we recommend you buy online plants from us and purify your environment with the help of these air purifiers.

Therefore, we honestly say that we are the best online plant nursery. To buy any plants and products you can visit our website and choose your favorite one


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