Adenium 'Black Red' - Santhi Online Plants Nursery
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Adenium ‘Black Red’

Original price was: ₹700.00.Current price is: ₹349.00.

Buy the most interesting black-red Adenium flower plants at a fair price. If you are looking for the perfect structured caudex stem bonsai. You can check our website for different Adenium plant varieties. It will be a great choice of bonsai plants.


Note :


Plant height 7 inches

Plant Age 1 – 2 years

Caudex Quality is Mature

8 in stock

SKU: ADM10 Category:


Adenium ‘Black Red’


Buy the Adenium ‘Black Red’ plant from our Santhi online plant nursery website. This plant is a great choice for bonsai plantation & the adenium plant is the most versatile plant live for more than 100 years with proper care & maintenance. The Adenium flowers are called japenese frangipani flowers. The black and red flowers are free-petaled with black borders over red flowers. Get the desert rose plant online varieties at an affordable cost.


What’s Special in Adenium ‘Black Red’


Most vibrant colour flower plant

Versatile natural bonsai plant – live for decade

The Japanese frangipani flower is an extraordinary ornamental plant for visual treat.

It isa  great choice of plant online for gifting someone special.


Plant Care


Soil: Adenium Soil pot mix   or  organic content + good drainage soil


Watering: Water the plants 2 days once, once the plant reaches big after 2 years water the plants weekly once.


Sunlight: Direct sunlight is essential for this red and black flowers plant.


Feed : Feed the desert rose plants with seaweed extract monthly once and addition of any compost makes the plant growth healthy.


Plant Training: The red black flower tree grows as a bonsai & also an indoor plant.


Santhi Online Plants


We Santhi Online Plants have more than 400+ plants online at reasonable cost. We deliver natural bonsai plants to your door step in perfect condition. Thus make your environment attractive with the adenium plants.


For other details & to place an order kindly check our website & get your choice of plants.






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