VNR Guava plant - Santhi Online Plants Nursery
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VNR Guava plant - Santhi Online Plants Nursery

VNR Guava plant

Original price was: ₹50.00.Current price is: ₹39.00.

VNR Guava is a perennial fruit-bearing tree, with white-fleshed fruits with edible seeds. This plant is categorized under fruit plant, grafted plant & tree crop. By planting this guava plant you can get your own fruits. 


  • SCIENTIFIC NAME: Pisidum guajava
  • FAMILY: Myrtaceae
  • SOIL: Grows well in all types of soil
  • ORIGIN: Central America


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VNR Guava plant

Buy the VNR guava plant from Santhi online plant nursery website. This plant tree is a prolific fruit-bearing variety, with big attractive fruits with fewer seeds and a thick pericarp. The average fruit size is 300-1000 grams per fruit. The plant grows up to a height of 6-9 meters and it can withstand water scarcity and highly humid areas. You can purchase this plant from our online plant nursery and get different varieties of fruit at your home.

FERTILIZER: Apply fertilizer during September month you can feed your plant with green manure fertilizer or intercrop with any leguminous plant crops purchase biofertilizer from our online plant shopping.

PROPAGATION: Done through cuttings, seeds & air layering.

REPLANTING: VNR guava plant can be replanted when the plant matures after 3 to 4 months, before replanting water the root zone well to get transplanted easily by plants to new locations and depth holes should be the same as before replanting for this guava plant. You buy from our online plant shopping

     Check for pruning every week because guava plants are densely growing trees, trim old and dead leaves, stems, and diseased fruits to encourage new growth in plants. We provide a variety of plants online hence we recommend you buy plants online from us.



  • Several parts of the guava plant have a wide variety of medicinal uses such as leaves, fruits, and trees.
  • Guava leaves are used to treat stomach and intestinal disorders, diabetes, diarrhea, and blood sugar & reduce cholesterol levels.
  • Guava fruits aid healthy bowel movement & prevent constipation.
  • Guava fruit has a high concentration of all vitamins especially vitamins A, B, C, E & K.
  • Guava fruit has anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic & anti-oxidative.
  • The Guava plant is low maintenance and low-cost shrub tree.


VNR guava plants are in high requirement nowadays, we offer these plants at affordable cost and you can buy the best online plants from us.



  •  VNR guava plants can grow in container sizes of 18 to 24 inches. Fill the container with the required amount of any type of soil and replant it when the plant matures after 3 to 4 months.
  • VNR guava requires watering twice weekly. Avoid watering in the winter season.
  • Plants can be kept in direct or partial sunlight if they stand too much heat.
  • Feeding any organic fertilizers like cow manure, vermicompost, azospirillum & phosphorus solubilizing bacteria (PSB) can increase the yield & fruit quality.


Other Related Plants Available: Apple Red plant, Barbados Cherry plant & Taiwan Pink Guava plant. 


                  We grow our plants using natural and organic methods and we offer high-quality plants and products, hence we recommend you buy online plants from us and get good quality plants from us.

      Moreover, we truly say that we are the best online plant nursery. To buy any plants and products you can visit our website and choose your favorite one.




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